The sample code in this section shows how to set ACL on a bucket my-bucket to manage access of that resource. The following is an example for IDrive Cloud’s Oregon (us-west-1) region.
IDrive Cloud allows users to set ACL on a bucket to manage access of that resource.
Whenever a resource is created using S3 APIs, by default, the creator of that resource becomes the owner of it and only the creator has access to this resource. The owner of the resource needs to set ACL to make it accessible to other users.
In IDrive Cloud every account has its own namespace for buckets unlike AWS where all accounts share a common namespace. This means, two different accounts can have the same bucket name e.g. account bob can have a bucket called images and another account alice too can have a bucket with the same name as images.
Due to this, ACLs in IDrive Cloud have a few differences compared to AWS:
In the sections below, we explain some of the scenarios for applying ACLs on the resources in IDrive Cloud.
Bob has an account with IDrive Cloud with the username bob and Alice has a sub-account with username as alice. Bob needs to share a bucket named as images with Alice. Bob should use the following command to share the resource with Alice.
aws --profile bob s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket images --access-control-policy '{
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"ID": "bob:alice",
"Type": "CanonicalUser"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
"Owner": {
"ID": "bob:bob"
Executing the above commands will give Alice full control for the bucket images.
Note: Grantee ID is a combination of <account name> : <username>. In this case the account name is bob as Bob is the root user of this account and alice is the username of sub-account named Alice. Hence the Grantee ID is bob:alice.
Bob has an account with IDrive Cloud with the username bob and Alice is another account holder with username alice. Bob needs to share a bucket named images with Alice. Bob should use the following command to share the resource with Alice.
aws --profile bob s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket images --access-control-policy '{
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"ID": "alice:alice",
"Type": "CanonicalUser"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
"Owner": {
"ID": "bob:bob"
Executing the above commands will give Alice full control for the bucket images.
Note: Grantee ID is a combination of <account name> : <username>. Here the account name and username both are alice as Alice is a root user of account.
Alice needs to know Bob’s Account ID to access this resource and the same needs to be appended with the access key in the configuration as shown below.
aws_access_key_id = <ACCESS KEY>:<BOB’s ACCOUNT ID>
If Alice tries to access the bucket images without appending Bob’s account id, an error will be shown as below:
aws --profile alice s3api list-objects --bucket images
Error Message:
An error occurred (NoSuchBucket) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: The specified bucket does not exist.
Bob has an account with IDrive Cloud with username as bob and he wants to make the bucket images publicly available. Bob should use the following command to share the resource publicly.
aws --profile bob s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket images --acl public-read
Executing the above commands will make the bucket images available to all users.
Before accessing this resource user needs to know Bob’s account id and the same needs to be appended to the access key in the configuration as shown below.
aws_access_key_id = :
If another account user called Alice tries to access the bucket images without appending Bob’s Account ID, an error will be shown as below:
aws --profile alice s3api list-objects --bucket images
Error Message:
An error occurred (NoSuchBucket) when calling the ListObjectsV2 operation: The specified bucket does not exist.