Integrate s5cmd with IDrive® e2

s5cmd is a fast tool for executing S3 and local filesystem operations. It supports various operations, including tab completion, wildcard file support, and file management in object storage workflow. Use s5cmd with IDrive® e2 to speed up your downloads and uploads with higher-throughput transfers. Learn more about s5cmd.


Before uploading files using s5cmd, you require:

  1. An active IDrive® e2 account. Sign up here if you do not have one.
  2. A bucket in IDrive® e2. See how to create a bucket.
  3. A valid Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Learn how to create an access key.
  4. s5cmd should be installed on your system.
To configure s5cmd with IDrive® e2

In the command prompt, enter the following command:

  1. Create a directory to keep your s3 credentials file,
    #mkdir  ~/.aws
  2. Create a file to save or edit your s3 credentials,
                                           #vi  ~/.aws/credentials or 
    #aws configure
  3. When prompted, enter the following details:
                                           AWS Access Key ID [None]: nktrXLpOTBWj5yLmRzyN
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: xmvocPk6lVEyqskPxw6Lyx2yLMscPYhA6gHUXWJK
    Default region name [None]: Bangalore
    Default output format [None]:
  4. Press Enter.
Use s5cmd with IDrive® e2
  1. List all your IDrive® e2 Buckets in a particular region:
    #s5cmd --endpoint-url= ls   (In Endpoint, https:// is mandatory)
    Note: You can use existing buckets or create a new bucket.
  2. To create a new bucket in that region,
    #s5cmd --endpoint-url= mb s3://e2-s5demo
  3. To copy a Local File to the IDrive® e2 Bucket,
    #s5cmd --endpoint-url= cp Homee2.jpeg s3://e2-s5demo
    Now, you can access newly created buckets and objects from the IDrive® e2 application.

Note: Click Stop to stop data movement.