Upload Files to IDrive® e2 with Dropshare

With Dropshare, you can upload files to IDrive® e2 Hot Cloud Storage and share it. Learn more about using Dropshare.


Before uploading files using Dropshare, you require:

  1. An active IDrive® e2 account. Sign up here if you do not have one.
  2. A bucket in IDrive® e2. See how to create a bucket and assign public access to it.
  3. Valid Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. Learn how to create an access key.
  4. Dropshare application installed on your system. Download Dropshare.

Upload Files to IDrive® e2

  1. Click the Dropshare icon on the menu bar and click 'Set Up Connection' in the 'Get Started' popup.
  2. Click 'Third-Party Cloud'.
  3. Select 'IDrive® e2' under 'Object Storage Services'.
  4. Enter the following information:
    1. Bucket name - Enter the IDrive® e2 bucket name
    2. Access Key ID - Enter the IDrive® e2 Access Key ID
    3. Secret Key - Enter the IDrive® e2 Secret Access Key
    4. Endpoint URL - Enter the IDrive® e2 region endpoint URL
    5. Public domain or Custom Domain - Provide the public URL or custom domain used for the IDrive® e2 bucket.
  5. Click 'Test connection' to validate the connection. The connection will be saved on successful validation.
  6. Click the Dropshare icon on the menu bar. You can capture screenshot by clicking .
  7. You can now share the screenshot with anyone.