The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) have instituted regulations that demand compliance surrounding the storage of financial records and electronic communications.
IDrive® assists IT departments with SEC / FINRA regulations in the following manner:
- The data files are backed up using AES 256-bit encryption when stored on your local BMR device and cloud account. Data files are also encrypted when transferred to the cloud account.
- The data is available for online restores 24 x 7. All backups are stored with the catalogs (indexes) and accessible to authorized users at all times.
- The data resides on RAID-protected industry leading NAS / SAN storage devices with multiple levels of redundancy. In addition, a regular data backup guarantees its availability when required.
Note: IDrive BMR offers the choice of employing private encryption which is known only to the user and not stored on IDrive BMR servers, in addition to default encryption.