Frequently Asked Questions

Linux Desktop

Linux Desktop

If your question is not addressed below, please contact us through our support form and we'll get back to you shortly.


Why IDrive desktop application for Linux?
Which Linux operating system versions are supported by the IDrive desktop application?
Can I use the command line utility with my desktop application?
How do I get started with IDrive® Linux backup?
How do I install the IDrive® desktop application on my Linux machine?
  When I sign in to my IDrive account for the first time on a machine, I notice that some folders have already been scheduled for backup. Why?
  I see some files/folders are excluded from backup. How do I include those in the backup set?
  How do I take an immediate backup of my data?
  How do I schedule an online backup?
  Is it possible to schedule a backup to a local drive and continue to backup to my IDrive account?
  What happens if my backup set contains files or folders that have insufficient access rights?
  How do I manage my scheduled backup jobs?
  Can I view the status of my scheduled backups?
  How does IDrive optimize data transfers?
  How can I exclude certain files/folders from being backed up?
  How can I regulate Internet bandwidth usage for IDrive on Linux?
  Will IDrive backup my data even if the computer is logged off?
  Can I backup USB and External drives?
  How can I add a mapped drive?
  Do I need to restart my computer after installing IDrive?
  Can IDrive work with virtual machines?
  Why am I being asked to replace an existing device or add a new device when signing in to my IDrive account?


  How can I restore my backed-up data if my system crashes or when setting up a new computer?
  Why am I asked to trust my device while trying to restore data?
  What is Versioning? Does it impact the available quota (storage space in my account)?
  How do I view the versions of a file stored in my account?
  How do I restore the latest version of a file in my account?
  Does IDrive support folder-wise restore of files with earlier versions?
  I have backed up data from multiple computers. How do I restore it?
  Can I search and restore a particular file from my IDrive account?
  I can see a 'Snapshots' button on the Restore menu. What is it?
  What is Archive Cleanup and how does it work?
  What is Periodic Cleanup?
  I received an email warning about exceeding the quota limit. How do I adjust my account storage usage to be below the limit?


  Does IDrive remove files from my account when they are deleted from my computer?
  If I continue performing backups, will I exceed my storage quota?
  Can I stop my backups at a specific time?
  Does IDrive support backup and restore of large files?
  How can I view my backup and restore activities in the application?
  Can I share file(s)/folder(s) directly from my IDrive account?
  I need a walkthrough of the IDrive desktop application interface.
  I have backed up certain folders (containing multimedia, etc.) which are not going to change. Can I remove them from my backup set, presuming that the backed up data wouldn't be affected?
  I am receiving a backup notification stating as 'Success' even though the log details contain 'permission denied' error on files and folders. Why?
  If I overwrite the IDrive application with the latest version, will the application retain the on-going backups and restores?
  Can multiple users access the IDrive application on a Linux system even when they have not installed it?
  Can I enable automatic update to install the latest version within the application?
  How can I update the latest version of the IDrive desktop application on my Linux computer manually?
  How do I uninstall the IDrive desktop application from my Linux machine?

Why IDrive desktop application for Linux?

IDrive Linux desktop application enables you to immediately backup your Linux computer via a straightforward interface in a few simple clicks - without executing any commands. Simply download, install, and sign in to the application to start an immediate backup or schedule backups, configure backup settings, and more with ease.

Its key features include:

  • Backup multiple Linux machines: Using the desktop application, back up data from several Linux computers and store within a single IDrive account.
  • Quick recovery of backed up data: Access and restore your backed up Linux data from IDrive cloud account using the desktop application, whenever needed.

Which Linux operating system versions are supported by the IDrive desktop application?

IDrive supports the following Linux operating system versions:

  • Ubuntu 19 and above
  • Linux Mint 20 and above
  • CentOS 8 and above
  • Fedora 33 and above
  • Debian 10 and above

For all other Linux operating system versions and lower versions of supported operating systems, download and install the IDrive® Linux Package on your Linux machines. After downloading the package follow instructions on how to work with the IDrive Linux Package using commands.


Can I use the command line utility with my desktop application?

Yes, you can use the command line interface (CLI) with the desktop application. It is a text-based interface to enable users to backup and restore Linux data using commands.

This simple menu-driven CLI implements command-line APIs, using which you can configure accounts; perform full or incremental backups, restore data, and do other operations.

To use the CLI, follow these steps:

  • Launch the terminal and run the following command:
  • A menu will be displayed on the screen.
  • Select the menu item for the operation that you want to perform.
  • Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

Note: Restart your terminal session after installing the package to enable the idrive CLI.


How do I get started with IDrive® Linux backup?

To get started, download the IDrive desktop application on the Linux machine that you wish to back up. Install the application and create an IDrive account if you don't already have one, or sign in with your existing credentials. Once signed in, configure your backup settings and start backing up your data.

Explore the FAQs below to know more on Linux backup via desktop application.


How do I install the IDrive® desktop application on my Linux machine?

To install the IDrive desktop application on your Linux GUI machine, download the IDrive® Linux application and follow the below steps.

  1. Double-click or right-click the downloaded application.
  2. Select the appropriate package manager to open the application:
    • Debian-based systems: Ubuntu Software Center
    • RPM-based systems: Software Install

To install the IDrive desktop application on your Linux machine using the Command Line (CLI), follow these steps after downloading the application:

  • Debian-based systems
  • sudo apt install ./IDriveForLinux.deb
  • RPM-based systems
    sudo yum install ./IDriveForLinux.rpm
    Note: Use 'dnf' if ‘yum’ is not available.

When I sign in to my IDrive account for the first time on a machine, I notice that some folders have already been scheduled for backup. Why?

When signing in to your IDrive account for the first time on a Linux machine, you may notice that certain folders are already scheduled for backup. This is because IDrive is an automated online backup application and critical folders such as Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Videos, and Music are preselected for backup. If the pre-defined settings are not modified, the application commences the backup of the default backup set once the scheduled backup time is reached.

To back up files or folders to your IDrive account, select the 'Online Backup' option. Alternatively, select 'Local Backup' to backup the file(s)/folder(s) to a local drive in your computer.

To customize the selected files, folders, and drives in the backup set, click 'Modify' on the respective screen.

Click 'Backup Now' to start an immediate backup. To change the day, time, or frequency of the scheduled backup, click the 'Schedule' button.


I see some files/folders are excluded from backup. How do I include those in the backup set?

The files/folders marked in red under 'Select files/folders for backup' dialog box are excluded from backup.

To include them in the backup set,

  1. Go to 'Settings' > 'Exclusions'.
  2. Select the files/folders that you want to backup and click .
  3. Click 'Save Changes'.

How do I take an immediate backup of my data?

Select the desired files/folders that you want to backup immediately by using the 'Modify' button. Once you make the changes, click the 'Backup Now' button.


How do I schedule an online backup?

To schedule a backup, sign in to your IDrive account and click 'Scheduler'.

You can choose the start time for your backup. Select your preferred day(s) of backup in a week or schedule to run backups daily.

You can also modify the following scheduler parameters and click 'Save Changes':

  • Backup set name: Select the backup set you want to schedule ('DefaultBackupSet'/'LocalBackupSet').
  • Backup start time: Set the time when your scheduled backup should begin.
  • Backup start days:
    -Daily: Select this option to run your backup jobs every day.
    -Custom: Select the days of the week on which you want to run your backup jobs.
  • Start the backup immediately: Select this option to start the backup job immediately.
  • Hourly schedule: Select this option to configure hourly backup operations.
  • Cut-off time: Set the time at which your scheduled backup should stop.
  • Email notification: Select this option to receive email notifications on the status of your scheduled backup job. Enter the email address on which you want to receive the notifications.
  • Notify always: Enable this toggle button to get all backup notifications.
  • Notify me on desktop: Receive desktop notifications for your backup jobs.

Is it possible to schedule a backup to a local drive and continue to backup to my IDrive account?

You can schedule local backup to a drive and online backup to the cloud as two different jobs. However, it is not possible to schedule local and online backup in a single job.


What happens if my backup set contains files or folders that have insufficient access rights?

If a file or folder in your backup set has insufficient access rights, IDrive will not be able to back it up. Ensure that the necessary permissions are granted to include such files or folders in the backup set.


How do I manage my scheduled backup jobs?

You can manage your scheduled backup jobs from 'Scheduler' by clicking 'View and manage all scheduled jobs.'

To edit a scheduled backup job,

  1. Click on the required entry to highlight it.
  2. Modify the time, day, and other parameters as required.
  3. Click 'Save Changes'.

To delete a scheduled backup job,

  1. Click on the required entry to highlight it.
  2. Click delete.
  3. Click 'Yes' in the confirmation window.

Can I view the status of my scheduled backups?

Yes, you can check the status of the scheduled backups. Click 'View logs' on the application home screen to see the most recent session-wise log files.


How does IDrive optimize data transfers?

IDrive optimizes data transfers by only sending the modified portions of your files after the initial full transfer. By transferring only the modified blocks of a file, IDrive reduces bandwidth usage and ensures quick transfers.

This optimization is applied to both backups and restores.


How can I exclude certain files/folders from being backed up?

To exclude files/folders from being backed up,

  1. Go to 'Settings' > 'Exclusions'.
  2. Click under 'Exclude files/folders from backup'.
  3. Click to browse the files/folders from the list.
  4. Select the desired files/folders to add and click 'OK'.
    The files/folders will be added to the exclusion list.
  5. Click 'Save Changes'.

The selected files/folders will now be excluded from being backed up.


How can I regulate Internet bandwidth usage for IDrive on Linux?

The Bandwidth throttle feature in IDrive allows you to control the Internet bandwidth used during backups, ensuring a smooth system performance. By default, the throttle value is set to utilize 100% of the bandwidth.


Will IDrive backup my data even if the computer is logged off?

Yes, the IDrive desktop application will perform scheduled backups of your data even if your computer is logged off.


Can I backup USB and External drives?

Yes, you can backup USB and External drives. The files to be backed up must be part of the 'Backup set' and must be accessible at the time of backup.


How can I add a mapped drive?

To add a network device, e.g., a NAS device as a mapped drive in your Linux machine using the terminal, ensure the following prerequisites are fulfilled. Then follow the steps to create a Mount point and make it persistent.


Run the below command to install CIFS Utilities on your Linux machine based on the architecture

  • Debian/Ubuntu - sudo apt update && sudo apt install cifs-utils -y
  • CentOS/RHEL - sudo yum install cifs-utils -y
  • Arch Linux - sudo pacman -S cifs-utils

To create a Mount Point,

  1. Create a Mount Point using the below command. This is the folder where the NAS share will be mounted.
    sudo mkdir -p /mnt/nas
    E.g., /mnt/nas
  2. Mount the NAS Share :
    sudo mount -t cifs -o username=’enter your username here’,password=’enter your password here’ //NAS_IP/SharedFolder /mnt/nas
    E.g., sudo mount -t cifs -o username=admin,password=123456 // /mnt/nas
  3. Now, you can access your NAS files at /mnt/nas.

    To make the Mount persistent (so that it stays after reboot),

    1. Edit fstab using the command
      sudo nano /etc/fstab
    2. Add this line at the bottom:
      //Your_IP_address/Shared_Folder /mnt/nas cifs username=’enter your username here’ ,password=’enter your password here’ ,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0   
      E.g., // /mnt/nas cifs username=admin,password=123456 ,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0)
    3. Save and exit (Ctrl + X, then Y, then Enter).
    4. Reload fstab to apply the changes using command:
      sudo mount -a

Do I need to restart my computer after installing IDrive?

No, you do not need to restart your computer after installing IDrive.


Can IDrive work with virtual machines?

Yes, IDrive is compatible with virtual machines. To use it, first ensure that the virtual machine has a good configuration, then install the application on the virtual machine and perform backups similar to how you do on a physical computer.


Why am I being asked to replace an existing device or add a new device when signing in to my IDrive account?

When signing in to your IDrive account, you have the option to either choose to add the computer as a new device or transfer the backup set, scheduled jobs, and IDrive application settings from an already backed up computer to the new computer. This transfer helps to avoid time-consuming initial backup, especially in cases such as:

  • Replacing an old computer
  • Replacing a computer's hard drive
  • Recovering after an OS reinstall

Note: Online/local backup set and scheduled jobs for both online and local data will be transferred.

To replace an existing computer,

  1. Download and install IDrive on your new computer.
  2. Sign in to IDrive using your credentials.
  3. When the 'Set up your new device for backup' screen appears, click 'Replace Existing Device'.
  4. Select the desired computer from the 'Select one of the computers from the list to replace' screen and click 'Continue'.
  5. Click 'Continue' in the confirmation screen.

You will receive a confirmation message when the existing computer is successfully replaced. Backups will stop, but syncing will continue on the existing computer.

If you do not wish to restore the existing backups on the new machine, you can click 'Add New Device' on the 'Set up your new device for backup' screen.


How can I restore my backed-up data if my system crashes or when setting up a new computer?

To restore data from your IDrive account to your local computer, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the IDrive desktop application.
  2. Sign in using your Username and Password. If you had set a private encryption key during your first sign-in to the application, then enter the same key.
  3. Go to 'Restore' and select the 'Online Restore' radio button.
  4. Select the files or folders that you want to restore and click to choose the desired restore location.
  5. Click 'Restore Now'.

Why am I asked to trust my device while trying to restore data?

When using a new device to restore data you must authorize the device as a trusted device by entering a verification code sent to your registered email address. This is a one-time process to ensure your identity.

  1. While running the restore operation from the Restore page, 'Trust this device' screen will appear.
  2. You will be prompted to enter a one-time verification code sent to your registered email address. The code can be used only once and will expire after 5 minutes.
  3. Enter the code.
  4. Click Trust Device.

Note: In case the code expires or you have not received the email, click 'Resend code' to get a new verification code.

Once a device is added as a trusted device, users will not be asked to enter one-time verification code during any subsequent restore operations.

  1. Users can get this one-time verification code via registered email address only.
  2. If you are unable to receive email with one-time verification code, contact support.
  3. This one-time device verification is only applicable for restore and versioning operations.

What is Versioning? Does it impact the available quota (storage space in my account)?

IDrive keeps previous versions of all files backed up to your account. You can restore up to 30 previous file versions of your files currently. For accounts created before 11-07-2018, up to 10 versions can be restored, to any location on your local computer.

The additional storage used for the previous file versions does not impact your account's quota, as your storage is calculated only for the most current version.

Note: For some accounts, file versioning may not be available.


How do I view the versions of a file stored in my account?

To view the previous versions of a file stored in your account, go to 'Restore' and right-click the required file. Select the 'Show Previous Versions' option from the list. You can also search for your desired file version.

To restore a particular version, select the version from the displayed list and the desired location to restore. Click 'Restore Now'.


How do I restore the latest version of a file in my account?

Under 'Restore' select the 'Online Restore' radio button. The latest files that are backed up are listed there.

To restore the latest version, select the desired files/folders, select the location to which you want to restore the data, and click 'Restore Now'. You can also search your desired files/folders and restore them back to your local computer.


Does IDrive support folder-wise restore of files with earlier versions?

Yes, IDrive allows you to restore folders with earlier versions of files. To do so, right-click on the desired folder and select the 'Show previous versions' option. You will then see the following options:

  • Most Recent: Restores all files in the folder to their latest versions.
    Example: If the folder contains 5 files, all 5 will be restored to the latest version.
  • 2nd Most Recent: Restores files to the version prior to the latest backup.
    Example: If a file has 3 versions, it will restore version 2 (the one prior to the latest).
  • 3rd Most Recent: Restores the third-most recent version of the file.
    Example: If a file has 3 versions, this will restore version 1.
  • More: Provides options to restore from the 4th to the 10th most recent versions of files in the folder.

Note: For some accounts, folder-wise versioning may not be available.


I have backed up data from multiple computers. How do I restore it?

To restore data backed up from multiple computers:

  1. Sign in to your IDrive account with your Username and Password.
  2. Go to 'Restore' and select the 'Online Restore' radio button.
  3. Select the computer(s) from which you wish to restore data.
  4. A list of files and folders backed up from the computer(s) will be displayed.
  5. Select the files and folders that you want to restore.
  6. Choose the desired restore location on your local computer and click 'Restore Now'.

Can I search and restore a particular file from my IDrive account?

Yes, you can search and restore specific files from your IDrive account.

To search and restore files,

  1. Go to 'Restore' and select the 'Online Restore' radio button.
  2. Type the filename or a related keyword in the 'Search your account' field and press 'Enter'.
  3. From the search results, select the desired file and click 'Restore Now'.

Additionally, you can share files/folders that appear in the search results by clicking .

To search and restore files from a specific folder,

  1. Right-click on the required folder and select the 'Search' option.
  2. Enter the filename or keyword in the search field and press 'Enter'.
  3. From the search results, select the required file and click 'Restore Now'.

I can see a 'Snapshots' button on the Restore menu. What is it?

The 'Snapshots' feature is available for certain IDrive accounts. A snapshot captures a point-in-time image of a file/folder, enabling you to perform a point-in-time recovery in the future. Using the IDrive® snapshots feature, you can create a real-time image of a file or folder with all its contents and store it in your IDrive account. This is useful if your files become corrupted by malware or ransomware, and you need to restore a previous version.

To perform a snapshot-based restore,

  1. Go to 'Restore' and select the 'Online Restore' radio button.
  2. Click 'Snapshots'.
  3. Select the date and time, then click 'Submit'. A list of all the files backed up on or before the selected date will appear.
  4. Select the files/folders that you want to restore and choose the desired restore location on your local computer.
  5. Click 'Restore Now'.

What is Archive Cleanup and how does it work?

The Archive cleanup feature lets you permanently delete data from your account by matching the contents in your IDrive account with the data in the current backup set on your Linux computer. It is useful to free up space in your account as it deletes data from your account that no longer exists on your computer.

To run Archive cleanup,

  1. Go to 'Settings' and click 'Archive cleanup'.
  2. Click on the 'Cleanup Now' button. IDrive will generate a list of the items to be deleted from your account.
  3. Click 'Delete' to permanently remove data from your account.


  • Archive cleanup permanently deletes data that no longer exists on your computer to free up space in your account.
  • You can regulate the percentage according to your preference. The percentage mentioned here refers to files considered for deletion in your account as a percentage of the total number of files. The purpose of this percentage-based control is to avoid the large-scale deletion of files in your account due to some unforeseen event on your computer. For most aggressive cleanup, set the percentage to 100%.
  • Users will need to delete empty folders manually in order to remove them from the account.

What is Periodic Cleanup?

You can configure automated cleanup periodically by enabling 'Periodic cleanup'.
Periodic cleanup allows you to set the frequency as well as the percentage of files to be considered. The frequency can be set to anything between 5 and 30 days; percentage to anything between 5% and 50%. Periodic cleanup helps in sustained control of the amount of data stored in your account over a period of time.

To enable periodic cleanup,

  1. Go to 'Settings' and click 'Archive cleanup'.
  2. Select 'Periodic cleanup' by turning on the toggle switch.
  3. Set the number of days and percentage of data to be considered for cleanup.


  • Periodic cleanup may result in the automatic deletion of data from your IDrive account; use/set this option carefully.
  • The percentage mention refers to files considered for deletion in your account as a percentage of the total number of files. The purpose of this percentage-based control is to avoid the large deletion of files in your account due to some unforeseen event on your computer.

I received an email warning about exceeding the quota limit. How do I adjust my account storage usage to be below the limit?

IDrive allows for usage beyond the allocated quota to ensure that the backups continue to operate successfully.
For usage beyond the limit, IDrive sends you periodic email warnings about the excess usage beyond the quota. You can upgrade your account to a plan with more storage or do the following to bring the storage usage within the quota limits.

  1. Archive Cleanup
    Run an archive cleanup operation under 'Settings' in your IDrive desktop application.
    This may help in immediately bringing down the usage, especially if you have removed a substantial amount of data from your computer and you want that reflected in your account. Set the cleanup percentage to 100% for maximum impact.
  2. Periodic Cleanup
    Schedule a periodic cleanup under 'Settings' in the desktop application. However, note that the changes may not be effective immediately as the removal of data takes place at a later date based on the selected options, and there are limits imposed to avoid excessive deletion.

Does IDrive remove files from my account when they are deleted from my computer?

No, the backed up files will remain in your IDrive account forever.

Even if you accidentally delete files from your computer, they will not be removed from the IDrive servers unless you manually delete them or they are deleted through the automated Archive Cleanup process.


If I continue performing backups, will I exceed my storage quota?

IDrive performs incremental backups, in which only the modified portions of your files or folders are uploaded to the IDrive servers. Your storage quota is based on the most recent versions of the files or folders stored in your online account. The previous file versions are stored for free, without impacting your quota.


Can I stop my backups at a specific time?

Yes, you can halt backups at any desired time.

To enable this feature, go to 'Scheduler' and select (DefaultBackupset/LocalBackupset) under 'Backup set name'. Then, select the 'Cut-off time' check box and set your preferred 'Cut-off time'. Click 'Save Changes. The backup will resume from the point where it stopped during the next scheduled backup time.


Does IDrive support backup and restore of large files?

Yes, IDrive's desktop and web interface allow you to upload and restore files to and from cloud storage without any file size limitations. For optimal performance, it is recommended to use the desktop application.


How can I view my backup and restore activities in the application?

To view all backup and restore activities in your account, click on the application home screen.


Can I share file(s)/folder(s) directly from my IDrive account?

Yes, you can share files and folders stored in your IDrive account with friends or associates.

To share files or folders:

  1. Go to 'Restore' and select the 'Online Restore' radio button.
  2. Select the required files or folders and click .
    Alternatively, right-click on the files or folders that you want to share and select 'Share' from the dropdown.
  3. You will be redirected to your web account, and the 'Share' popup will appear.
  4. Click 'Advanced settings' to define the following parameters:
    • Set a password: Use this to set a password for accessing the link.
    • No. of Downloads: Set a limit for the number of downloads. The maximum limit is 25.
    • No. of Days: Specify the duration for which the link remains active. The maximum duration is 30 days.
  5. Click 'Create share link'.
  6. Next click 'Copy link' to copy the link to your clipboard. Share the link with the intended recipients.

A share link will be created and listed under 'Shared'.

Note: The Share feature is available only for IDrive® accounts with a default encryption key.


I need a walkthrough of the IDrive desktop application interface.

The IDrive desktop application interface is divided into three main sections: the application header, the navigation pane, and the main window.

Application header
The application header includes the search box, account quota information, Upgrade button, Activity logs, and your username with access to the web console.

Navigation pane
The navigation pane contains four functional sections:

  • Backup- View and select files or folders to back up to your IDrive account.
  • Restore- Displays all backed-up files and folders, allowing you to restore, share, or search files and folders.
  • Scheduler: Schedule your backups; manage scheduled backup jobs.
  • Settings- Configure your IDrive account settings.

Main Window
The main window displays content specific to the functional sections selected from the navigation pane.


I have backed up certain folders (containing multimedia, etc.) which are not going to change. Can I remove them from my backup set, presuming that the backed up data wouldn't be affected?

After you have backed up files that you will not update, you can remove them from your Backup set. All files, once backed up, remain unaffected in your IDrive account even if you remove their reference from your backup set.


I am receiving a backup notification stating as 'Success' even though the log details contain 'permission denied' error on files and folders. Why?

If the backup set includes any permission denied files/folders, IDrive assumes that it has been added by you, and will backup all the files/folders except for the denied files/folders. However, IDrive considers the backup operation to be a success and lists 'Permission denied' information in the logs, for the denied files/folders.


If I overwrite the IDrive application with the latest version, will the application retain the on-going backups and restores?

When you overwrite the IDrive application with a newer version, the on-going backup and restore operations will get canceled. This is why before installing the latest version of the application, ensure that there are no ongoing backup or restore operations.


Can multiple users access the IDrive application on a Linux system even when they have not installed it?

Yes, multiple users across different Linux profiles can access the IDrive application. To use the application, all the users must belong to the same group as the user who has installed the application. This ensures that the application files and settings are correctly shared across all the profiles, preventing permission-related issues.

If users belong to different groups, they might not have the necessary permissions to access the application, and this could potentially result in errors while running or using it. Therefore, while the installation can be performed by a single user, other users can access the application as long as they are members of the same group as the installer.


Can I enable automatic update to install the latest version within the application?

Yes. IDrive provides an option to automatically update the desktop application on your Linux computer. To enable automatic software update, go to Settings > General and select ‘Update software automatically’. Once enabled, the application will automatically check for and apply updates whenever available, without the need for manual intervention.


How can I update the latest version of the IDrive desktop application on my Linux computer manually?

It is recommended to update the IDrive application on your Linux computer manually using the command line interface.

To update the application, you can use the following commands depending on your Linux distribution:

For Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Linux Mint):

sudo apt install ./IDriveForLinux.deb

For RPM-based systems (CentOS, Fedora):

sudo yum install ./IDriveForLinux.rpm

Note: Use 'dnf' if 'yum' is not available.

Important to note: You cannot update the IDrive application using a software installer. If you use the software installer to update the application, it may prompt you to delete the existing application and reinstall it. This could result in the loss of critical user data, like settings, backup sets, and other metadata. Therefore, to prevent data loss, ensure that you use the recommended command line method for updating the application to its latest version.


How do I uninstall the IDrive desktop application from my Linux machine?

To uninstall the IDrive desktop application in your Linux GUI system

  1. Navigate to the package manager (e.g., open with Ubuntu Software Center).
  2. Locate the IDrive application in the list of installed programs.
  3. Hover over it and click 'Remove'.
  4. Enter your computer’s password when prompted to confirm the uninstallation.

To uninstall the IDrive desktop application from your Linux system using CLI

You can use the following commands to remove the IDrive desktop application based on your system type:

Debian-based systems (Ubuntu, Debian, etc.)

sudo apt purge idriveforlinux

RPM-based systems

sudo yum remove idriveforlinux

Note: Use 'dnf' if 'yum' is not available.

Important: For some accounts, certain features such as folder-level versioning, version restore, Continuous Data Protection for external drives, adopting backup archives and settings from a device, and Snapshots may not be available.
