IDrive CRM

Deliver sales the right leads at the right time

Visibility for the marketing and sales teams into the organization's sales funnel - right from the time a lead is discovered till they are converted as deals.

Data Management

Data security

We take utmost care to keep your data confidential and protect it from any breach.

Import data

Import data from your existing CRM with our migration tool and avoid manual data entry.


Upload and store your contracts related to a deal in one place for easier tracking.


Simplifying the way you manage sales


Create workflow rules and trigger pre-defined sets of actions/process flows when the conditions are met.


Integrate multiple other applications that are needed for your business with easy sync and compatibility.


Stay worry-free with notifications about your upcoming tasks, pending deals, scheduled calls, and meetings.


Store and record details of all your campaigns. Monitor different aspects of each campaign from the centralized console.

Cloud CRM features that help you build customer relationships

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