What are Bucket Event Notifications?

Bucket Event Notifications allow you to automatically send notifications in response to specific events on your IDrive® e2 bucket. We can configure these notifications to trigger when objects are created, deleted or other defined operations occur on your bucket.

These events can be sent to AWS services such as Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), and Simple Notification Service (SNS). They can also be sent to a custom AWS SQS compatible service.

Use cases for the Bucket Event Notifications

  • Real-time monitoring

    Event notifications can be sent when new objects are uploaded or deleted in a bucket. This functionality can be leveraged for the real-time monitoring of data change.

  • Data processing workflows

    Workflows can be triggered when new files are added to a bucket. For instance, when new media files are uploaded to a bucket, a notification could automatically trigger the update of a website or application to display the new content.

  • Security and auditing

    Notifications can be received whenever objects are deleted or modified. This assists in tracking unauthorized or unexpected changes to sensitive data and can be utilized for compliance and auditing purposes.

  • Integration with external systems

    Event notifications can be forwarded to external systems (such as webhooks or custom applications) to notify third-party services or systems when an event occurs, like when a file is uploaded for processing or when there is a modification to the bucket.

Steps for setting up S3 Event Notifications

  1. Add an ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
  2. Add bucket event notifications

Best Practices

  1. Limit the Number of Notifications: Be selective in the events you subscribe to and avoid overwhelming downstream services with excessive notifications.
  2. Use Event Filters: To reduce the number of unnecessary notifications, use object key filters such as prefix and suffix.
  3. Use AWS services from a region near the IDrive® e2 bucket: For instance, if the IDrive® e2 bucket is in the Oregon region, the AWS SQS and SNS services should ideally be chosen from the US-West-2 region.